Things to Do With Your Boston Terrier This Labor Day

by Colleen Fernandez

in Boston News, Dog Socialization

Boston terrier on a rocky beachLabor Day weekend is right around the corner guys … and it’s a great opportunity for you and your Boston Terrier to do something fun!

Plan a Picnic

Picnics are tons of fun! And lots of parks allow dogs to tag along. Just be sure to check with the park before finalizing plans and remember if your dog doesn’t do well in crowds, it may not be a good idea.

Barbeque in the Backyard

Barbeques are also a ton of fun and very common on Labor Day.  Invite your friends and their dogs over to cook- out, go for a swim and celebrate the end of summer (and a day off work)!

Doggy Beach!

If you live near a beach- look into whether the beach has an area where dogs are allowed to play! What better way to spend Labor Day than at the beach with your Boston Terrier?!

Just remember, if you plan to spend a lot of time outside this Labor Day, make sure you bring plenty of drinking water, food, and shade. Boston Terriers are especially prone to breathing problems in extreme heat.

To top off the weekend: think about making this Doggie Ice Cream for your Boston Terrier!



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