Boston Terrier’s are considered brachycephalic dogs – they have a short snout, tiny nostrils, long palates and a narrow trachea.
This makes them very sensitive to excessive heat and extremely cold weather.
You should familiarize yourself with the symptoms of heat stroke since your Boston Terrier is not able to communicate them to you herself!
Your dog’s temperature should normally be between 101 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. If their temperature rises above 105, it’s very dangerous!
• Provide easy access to fresh water every day.
• Wet your dog before doing physical activities or going out into a hot day.
• Do not keep your dog in a crate that is in direct sunlight.
Early Signs of Dehydration
• Heavy panting
• Hyperventilation or deep breathing
• Increased salivation and dry gums
As dehydration progresses towards heat stroke your dog may also experience paleness, weakness, vomiting and diarrhea. Your dog’s efforts at breathing will become strained and she may experience seizures or coma.
Why You Should Know These Signs
If this condition is not identified and treated right away, it could cause permanent damage to your dog. So always keep an eye out for your pup.
Techniques to Treat Heat Stroke
• Transfer your dog to either an air conditioned room or a shady place.
• Wet or immerse your dog in cool water or place in front of a fan.
• Allow your dog to have small drinks of water every few minutes.
If the heat stroke symptoms continue to persist, take your dog to the vet right away. If you are not able to cool off your dog within 20 minutes, heat stroke can be extremely dangerous.
To always be on the safe side, you should save physical activities and exercise for cooler times when your Boston won’t be exposed to extreme temperatures.