Boston Terrier Videos

These are some of my very favorite Boston Terrier videos. I hope they make you laugh and remind you how special your furry little friend really is! For more videos visit either or

Vote for your favorite video in the comments section below. After watching all the videos, let me know which one you like the best and why. If you have a good video too, send me a link!

Boston Terrier And Kitten Getting Along Wonderfully!

This video will melt your heart! I almost considered getting a cat, and I don’t even like cats!

Boston Terrier Singing Gwen Stefani

Listen to this Boston terrier’s beautiful singing voice! Watch out Gwen, you have some competition!

BostonĀ Vs. Trampoline!

Watch as this brave little man faces the trampoline! It’s hilarious! šŸ™‚

BostonsĀ Go Crazy At The Dog Park!

Watch these Boston terriers play intensely at the dog park. I sure don’t want to be the one to break up that brawl!

Boston Terrier Helps in the Bathroom!

Watch this helpful little Boston help his mama!

Boston Says ā€œI Love Youā€ and Performs CPR

Hah! This is so cute! I’m gonna try and teach Lucy this one.

Boston Terriers Swimming/Diving!

These dogs should be in the doggy olympics for swimming.

Boston Terrier vs. Cat

Have no fear. The Boston terrier is here!

Boston Terrier Gets A Beer From The Fridge

Now that’s a good puppy, right!

Don’t forget, please vote for your favoriteĀ Ā video. And if you have another video you love, but don’t see here – send me a link!