Simple Homemade Treats Your Boston Terrier Will Go Crazy For

by Colleen Fernandez April 9, 2010 Dog Food Recipes

This has got to be my all-time favorite fast food dog recipe. It’s so simple and you don’t need a million ingredients either! The set-up time is about 5 minutes, and the total time is about 15! It’s quicker than running to the pet store. What You’ll Need: Whole wheat flour (2 cups) Chicken or […]

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Why It’s Great To Be a Boston Terrier

by Colleen Fernandez February 18, 2010 Jokes/Humor

If it itches, you can reach it. And no matter where it itches, no one will be offended if you scratch it in public. No one notices if you have hair growing in weird places as you get older. Personal hygiene is a blast: No one expects you to take a bath every day, and […]

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Crate Training Alternative

by Colleen Fernandez February 15, 2010 House Training
gracie the boston terrier

I’ve talked to a lot of dog owners that just can’t seem to master crate training. Personally, I think crate training is a great method for housebreaking your Boston terrier, but of course it’s not going to work with all dogs. Here’s the story of a Boston terrier owner that tried a crate training alternative and had […]

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Dogs And Hypothermia

by Colleen Fernandez February 13, 2010 Health Problems

The Cold Weather May Pose A Threat To Your Dog Hypothermia occurs in dogs when they’re temperature falls below its normal range, which is between 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. With all these snow storms and cold weather in the news, I started thinking about all the dogs that live up north, and began to […]

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