Take Your Boston Terrier Swimming

by Colleen Fernandez

in Exercise

Boston terrier swimmingBoston Terrier’s are great swimmers!

A common misconception about Boston Terrier’s is that they can’t swim or can’t swim well.

Well, I’ve got news for you – my Boston Terrier, Lucy, absolutely goes crazy for the water.

If you are trying to get your Boston Terrier to swim, I recommend taking her to a lake or the beach- somewhere where there will be other dogs.

Let her explore the area so that she feels safe, and definitely don’t force her into the water. She’ll be traumatized and never want to go in again!

I brought a squeaky tennis ball with me (Lucy loves these) to the lake and threw it in a couple feet from the edge. It took her a while, but she went in and retrieved it.

Lucy was about one year old the first time she went swimming, and now she loves it! It’s part of our weekend routine!

Here’s a video of Lucy at the lake:



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