I just stumbled across this forum post at the WoofBoard! I thought it was great so I wanted to pass it along! Enjoy. 🙂 Dogs do not have problems expressing affection in public. Dogs miss you when you’re gone. You never wonder whether your dog is good enough for you. Dogs feel guilt when they’ve […]
Original Source: Unknown 1. If you stare at someone long enough, eventually you’ll get what you want. 2. Don’t go out anywhere without identification. 3. Be direct with people; let them know exactly how you feel by pissing on their shoes. 4. Be aware of when to hold your tongue, and when to use it. […]
If it itches, you can reach it. And no matter where it itches, no one will be offended if you scratch it in public. No one notices if you have hair growing in weird places as you get older. Personal hygiene is a blast: No one expects you to take a bath every day, and […]

1. Be especially patient with humans during this time. They may appear to be more stressed-out than usual and they will appreciate long comforting dog cuddles. 2. Do not assume that all the gifts are yours. 3. Tolerate being decorated. The humans love the way you look in your fake antlers. Remember, to smile for […]

A friend of mine emailed this to me and I thought they were cute! If you have any more things that Boston terriers hate, feel free to add to the list in the comments section below … Enjoy! 1. Blaming your farts on them. 2. Yelling at them for barking … THEY’RE DOGS PEOPLE! 3. […]

Hello all my Boston terrier lovers! I found these lists on-line and would like to pass them along to you! To All Non Dog Owners Who Complain About Our Pets 1. They live here. You don’t. 2. If you don’t like their hair on your clothing, then stay off the furniture. 3. I like my […]