Do you love it when people comment on your dog’s good looks? Do you spend a lot of time grooming and bathing your dog so she’ll get compliments when you take her out in public? If you want to ensure that your Boston Terrier’s coat will always look top of the line, just follow these five simple steps.

This dental dog treats recipe was developed specifically to address the needs of your dog’s teeth and gums. These dental dog treats are not only delicious, but they also help exercise your dog’s gums and clean her teeth. I found this recipe over at Best-Dog-Treat-Recipes.com. They have a lot of great recipes, so feel free to check them […]

If you have trouble walking your Boston terrier, welcome to the club. Walks are one of my daily battles with Lucy. Every time she sees a cat, bird, or lizard she starts pulling! But everyday I work on it, and so should you! You may want to address some basic training issues first, and then Cesar […]

This has got to be my all-time favorite fast food dog recipe. It’s so simple and you don’t need a million ingredients either! The set-up time is about 5 minutes, and the total time is about 15! It’s quicker than running to the pet store. What You’ll Need: Whole wheat flour (2 cups) Chicken or […]

When your dog begs for food it’s usually harmless. But it’s also extremely off-putting … Who wants to eat a delicious meal, with their dog sitting right next to them drooling, wishing that today is the day you’ll accidentally drop a piece of your food.

A friend of mine emailed this to me and I thought they were cute! If you have any more things that Boston terriers hate, feel free to add to the list in the comments section below … Enjoy! 1. Blaming your farts on them. 2. Yelling at them for barking … THEY’RE DOGS PEOPLE! 3. […]

Hello all my Boston terrier lovers! I found these lists on-line and would like to pass them along to you! To All Non Dog Owners Who Complain About Our Pets 1. They live here. You don’t. 2. If you don’t like their hair on your clothing, then stay off the furniture. 3. I like my […]