Labor Day weekend is right around the corner guys … and it’s a great opportunity for you and your Boston Terrier to do something fun! Plan a Picnic Picnics are tons of fun! And lots of parks allow dogs to tag along. Just be sure to check with the park before finalizing plans and remember […]
Just the other day my boyfriend gave me the best massage ever! I mean it was absolutely amazing – lotion, candles, the whole nine yards! We started to wonder if our Boston Terrier, Lucy, ever gets sore, and needs a massage too. Which got me thinking … Lucy is a very active little lady, and […]

Dog parks seem to be a somewhat controversial subject for a lot of dog owners. Some people think dog parks are best things since sliced bread, while others thing they are dangerous and traumatizing places for dogs. Your local dog park is a great place for you and your dog to get exercise and have […]

If your Boston Terrier puppy has a problem with biting or nipping, there’s no need to freak out just yet. You can help prevent this behavior by giving your dog plenty of exercise, socialization training, and basic training skills. When you do correct your dog, you should never use physical correction (like spanking or holding […]

If you’ve just adopted a Boston Terrier, Congratulations! I wish you all the best. Now here’s a list of 10 things you should do to make your Boston Terrier feel at home. 1. Get to know your dog. Gather as much information you can about your dog. Ask the shelter personnel about the dog’s behavior […]

If you’re planning on traveling with your Boston Terrier ─ here are some quick tips to make sure the trip goes smoothly. First of all, you should not go on a long car trip with your dog if you haven’t already taken her on short, local trips. Take your Boston for short, fun car rides […]

Boston Terriers are not delicate little lap dogs by any means. They are small, sturdy, and are generally good-natured with other people and animals. Boston’s are energetic dogs that love to play and chase things! Here are some things that you will have to learn to love if you have a Boston Terrier: • Snoring, […]

Have you ever wondered what kind of relationship you have with your dog? After 28 in-depth interviews with dog owners David Blouin, a cultural sociologist at Indiana University South Bend, said that most dog/owner relationships fall into these 3 categories. Humanist Dogs are highly valued and they are considered a close companion. Protectionist Might be […]

Your Boston Terrier has gone missing! What next? Don’t panic. Start searching immediately. Start searching inside your house first, Boston’s are small and they can get themselves stuck in some strange places! If your Boston can’t be found inside move to the outside of your house. Check underneath vehicles, in drains, sewers, etc. Boston Terriers […]

Boston Terriers often develop separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is a disorder that is characterized by a state of extreme panic due to the dog being separated from her owner. Boston Terrier’s are very social animals and needs lots of social interaction and companionship. Of course no dog wants to be left alone for long periods […]

Boston Terriers are generally very non-aggressive, easy going dogs; however they can exhibit signs of aggression from time to time. It’s definitely not the norm and is never considered acceptable. Tips For Preventing Aggression You should never allow your Boston Terrier to achieve dominant status over you, any adult, or child. So, your dog should […]
Socializing your Boston Terrier can be a challenge. This process should begin to occur between 8-12 weeks of age. Your puppy will need to be introduced to a variety of stimuli during this phase of her life, and you should also start going over basic training at this age. Socializing your puppy will make a […]