If you want to do something special for your Boston terrier on his/her birthday this year, try this awesome birthday cake recipe that’s specifically designed for your pooch! Your Boston terrier will go crazy for this! You can also use this cake recipe for other special occasions you want to celebrate with your Boston. Here’s […]

This dental dog treats recipe was developed specifically to address the needs of your dog’s teeth and gums. These dental dog treats are not only delicious, but they also help exercise your dog’s gums and clean her teeth. I found this recipe over at Best-Dog-Treat-Recipes.com. They have a lot of great recipes, so feel free to check them […]

I’ve always said that it’s worth spending a little extra money on your dog’s food. Because keeping your dog healthy with proper nutrition beats spending thousands of dollars on vet visits that could have been avoided with a healthy diet. Boston Terriers are omnivorous, just like we are. That means they need a good balance […]

This has got to be my all-time favorite fast food dog recipe. It’s so simple and you don’t need a million ingredients either! The set-up time is about 5 minutes, and the total time is about 15! It’s quicker than running to the pet store. What You’ll Need: Whole wheat flour (2 cups) Chicken or […]