Summer is fast approaching – and today I’m writing to you from Florida – so it feels like summer is already here! I’m really looking forward to spending some time in the sand with my Lucy girl this year so I thought I’d put together some beach tips for you and your Boston Terrier. Beach […]

What makes a Boston Terrier the happiest dog in the world – TREATS! And more specifically: NUDGES CHICKEN JERKY TREATS! Since I’m a dog blogger, I was asked to try out Nudges jerky treats … and give my honest feedback of the product. I’ll admit that I hadn’t heard of the treats before I was […]

If you just got a puppy and you’re looking for fun and popular dog names, you may want to check out some of these names that are trending amongst dog enthusiasts in 2013. You may not end up going with one of these names, but they’re just a couple ideas to help get you brainstorming! […]

Well, Lucy’s on week 3 of the Eukanuba 28-Day Challenge, and so far so good! This week she’s been eating a little less than normal which makes me think that she’s getting enough nutrition in a smaller amount of food. She was a healthy weight before starting the challenge and so nothing has really changed […]

So the much anticipated Eukanuba challenge has begun! Last Friday afternoon I came home from work to find 2 big bags of Eukanuba Small Breed Adult formula at the front door. Lucy was certainly excited about it … she sniffed out the box before I even got it open! Here are some pictures of her […]

Labor Day weekend is right around the corner guys … and it’s a great opportunity for you and your Boston Terrier to do something fun! Plan a Picnic Picnics are tons of fun! And lots of parks allow dogs to tag along. Just be sure to check with the park before finalizing plans and remember […]

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. – Anatole France If you’re like most Boston terrier owners, your BT is the center of your universe! So I’m sure you want to do everything you can to ensure that he/she has a long, happy, and […]
2010’s Most Popular & Unusual Dog Names Revealed Brea, California The nation’s oldest and largest provider of pet health insurance has revealed that Bella the most popular dog name among it’s customers for the second year running. Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) analyzed the names of the pets of more than half a million customers to […]

On the Boston Terrier Secrets Facebook fan page, quite a few folks posted their Christmas photos. And they’re just way too cute not to share, so I’m re-posting for your convenience! These are just a few of my favorites. If you didn’t get a chance to upload your Christmas photos yet, I’d like to encourage […]

Thanks to everyone who uploaded pictures of their Boston Terriers on the Facebook Fan Page. Hopefully everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! Here are a few of my favorite costume pictures! If you have any you’d like to add, please upload them to the facebook page, or send me an email! Top 10 Boston […]

Dog toys are pretty expensive these days, along with pretty much everything else. This will help keep money in your pocket, and keep your dog happy. So today I thought it’d be fun and helpful to write about something that will help you keep more money in your pocket, and keep your dog happy and entertained!

Of course doggie ice cream is available in the freezer section at grocery stores now a days, but that’s just not as much fun. Doggie ice cream is super easy and inexpensive to make at home!

Just wanted to share this amazing story of a dog in Chile that risked his life for another dog that was run over by a car on a highway in Chile. This story gave me goosebumps and I know it will give you them also. Enjoy!

When I’m out with my Boston terrier a lot of people ask me if she’s a Boston Bull. I wasn’t familiar with Boston bull’s, so I decided to do a little research … Turns out, Boston Terriers were originally bred from the Boston Bull breed. They are generally bigger than today’s Boston terrier. They weigh […]

First off, hope you all had a wonderful Hanukah/Christmas Holiday! Today, I’m going to look back on 2009 at BostonTerrierSecrets.com. Starting the website was definitely a huge accomplishment for me this year. It took a lot of time, research, and money to get the site up and running. And while I’m happy with what I’ve […]

Last weekend I took my Boston terrier, Lucy, to the dog park. Fun? Yes. A lot of work? Definitely. Lucy loves the dog park, and she always, always has a great time there. But she also always seems to get herself into trouble. Lucy’s the dog that ignites all the other dogs at the dog […]

A recent visitor to Boston Terrier Secrets, Kyla Duffy, told me about her website- http://happytailsbooks.com. It’s a really sensational website, so today I’m going to tell you all a little more about it! Happy Tails Books is a non-profit organization that collects rescue stories from people who have inspiring stories about dog rescue or adoption. […]

When your dog begs for food it’s usually harmless. But it’s also extremely off-putting … Who wants to eat a delicious meal, with their dog sitting right next to them drooling, wishing that today is the day you’ll accidentally drop a piece of your food.

1. Where does the pet store get their puppies? Most puppies sold in pet stores come from puppy mills—where dozens, or sometimes even hundreds, of dogs are kept in tiny, infested crates for their entire lives. There sole purpose in life is to reproduce. Puppies born in puppy mills often have genetic defects and health […]

Clicker training is based off the idea of positive reinforcement. It’s a method of learning that uses no physical correction whatsoever. Some people reading this may think this method would never work—but on the contrary clicker training works incredibly well. Does Clicker Training Work On All Dogs? Clicker training works for all types of dogs […]

Where Are The Anal Glands? Your Boston Terrier’s anal glands are two small glands (or sacs) that are located on either side of his anus. Purpose Of The Anal Glands This is going to sound weird — but the purpose of the anal glands is for pheromone secretion to the outside of the stool. When […]

Halloween is right around the corner folks. Have you thought about putting your pup in a costume? Need Halloween costume ideas? Halloween is a fun holiday for you and your pet, as long as you do a little planning and preparation! Some dogs look totally humiliated (cute as can be!) when they’re dressed up …and […]

Have you ever come home from a long day at work to discover that your Boston Terrier has eaten your brand new shoes! I have … and let me tell you how frustrating it is! Your dog is just sitting there, looking all cute, and it’s hard to stay mad for more than about 3.5 […]

Boston Terrier Puppies should be vaccinated against canine distemper when they are about four months of age. Distemper is mostly a risk for stray dogs and dogs that are not up-to-date on their immunizations. How Is Distemper Spread? Canine distemper spreads similarly to the way the common cold is spread. If a dog that’s infected […]

Dogs lick for a lot of different reasons! Dogs use licking to show emotion or communicate. It’s their way of showing respect, affection, and submission. Dogs aren’t afraid to lick anything. They lick other dogs, humans, toys, grass, walls, carpet, rocks, and even dirt! Some dog’s even lick their own poop (gross)!

If you have a Boston Terrier, you know that sometimes they can be more like “Boston Terrors.” Boston’s like to chew! To me it seems like they especially like to chew things that are really important, like a great pair of shoes that you haven’t worn yet! When Boston Terrier puppies are teething, they are […]