The first step in making your Boston Terrier fit for polite company would be to potty train him. Some see this training as a hassle and some as a challenge. For me, it is part of bringing up a pet. Click here to subscribe to a FREE course on housetraining puppies and dogs. There are […]

I’ve talked to a lot of dog owners that just can’t seem to master crate training. Personally, I think crate training is a great method for housebreaking your Boston terrier, but of course it’s not going to work with all dogs. Here’s the story of a Boston terrier owner that tried a crate training alternative and had […]

Over 90% of pets in America are indoor pets! So it’s pretty important that you get the whole “potty-training” thing down quickly. Using puppy pads is a very effective method for training your Boston Terrier. The more involved you are with potty training process, the faster it will come for your dog. House Rules 1. […]

Many puppies go through a phase of eating their own poop. So here are some tips on how you can break your puppy of this disturbing habit while you are housetraining your Boston terrier. It’s actually very common for dogs − mostly puppies, to develop a liking to the taste of their own poop … gross […]

Crate training is one of the most effective ways to house train a dog. Dogs don’t like to get their resting/sleeping quarters dirty. If they are given the opportunity to use the bathroom elsewhere, they will. Keep in mind, that if your puppy does not have an accident in her crate, she will need to […]

Congratulations on bringing home your baby Boston Terrier! Housebreaking your Boston Terrier is going to be a challenge … here are some tips that will hopefully help you out! 1. Take the puppy out after meals, waking up, and playing. 2. Put the puppy in a crate when you are not home. 3. Always take […]