It may be small changes in your pet that you don’t notice overnight. Maybe your Boston has a harder time waking up in the morning … maybe she looks like she’s in pain when going on long walks on jumping off the couch. Arthritis isn’t always easy to spot. None of us want to accept […]

Probiotics are all the rage right now, especially for crazy Boston Terrier owners! If you haven’t had the chance to read about what they are, and what they can do for your dog, then keep reading— because today I hope to answer all your questions! Probiotics are friendly microorganisms or “good” bacteria that help maintain […]

The Boston Terrier, a high-spirited, intelligent dog is the result of cross-breeding the English Bulldog, Bull Terrier, Boxer, and White Terrier. Nicknamed the American Gentleman for his kind and gentle disposition, the Boston terrier, is a smooth, short-coated, compactly built dog with beautiful colours- red brindle, black brindle, or black, with white markings. The Boston […]

Buying flea and tick medicine for your dog can be a challenging and frightening task. If you haven’t discovered a product that works well for your dog yet, you may want to spend some time doing a little research before making a purchase. There’s so much information to read and things to consider before buying […]

Rawhide bones are made up of the inner lining of the hide on a cow. And some people believe that dogs like them so much because it’s in their natural instincts to chew. When dogs were “wild creatures” they attacked their prey and pulled away the hide of animals to get to the flesh.

Do you love it when people comment on your dog’s good looks? Do you spend a lot of time grooming and bathing your dog so she’ll get compliments when you take her out in public? If you want to ensure that your Boston Terrier’s coat will always look top of the line, just follow these five simple steps.

Water is extremely important to the health of your dog. Sixty percent of your adult dog’s body weight is accounted for by good old H2O, and 84% for puppies. Dogs get fluids from eating and drinking and they also get what you call metabolic water, which is produced by the oxidation of protein, fat, and […]

This dental dog treats recipe was developed specifically to address the needs of your dog’s teeth and gums. These dental dog treats are not only delicious, but they also help exercise your dog’s gums and clean her teeth. I found this recipe over at Best-Dog-Treat-Recipes.com. They have a lot of great recipes, so feel free to check them […]
The Cold Weather May Pose A Threat To Your Dog Hypothermia occurs in dogs when they’re temperature falls below its normal range, which is between 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit. With all these snow storms and cold weather in the news, I started thinking about all the dogs that live up north, and began to […]
With flu season in full swing, you may be wondering if it’s possible for your Boston terrier to contract the flu. And the answer is … YES! Canine flu is similar to the human flu. It’s a highly infectious virus that can be very harmful to your dog. It’s main line of attack is to […]

First off- what exactly does neutering entail? It’s simply the removal of testicles so that your dog can’t inadvertently make puppies! If you’re wondering whether or not you should have your Boston terrier neutered, look no further – here are the pros and cons of the procedure: The Pros of Neutering 1. Eliminates The Risk […]

If you’re wondering whether or not you should have your Boston Terrier spayed, here are the pros and cons of the procedure: The “Pros” Of Spaying Your Boston Terrier No Pregnancy Scares! Boston terriers often have a hard time giving birth naturally. You are putting their health in jeopardy, whenever they are bred. Breeding Boston […]

Canine Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that can give rise to an array of life threatening conditions. If your Boston terrier is diagnosed with lupus, the treatment plan will depend on what type of lupus your dog has. Both types of lupus (SLE and DLE) are caused by an autoimmune disorder that causes the body […]

You may have heard the shocking story about the woman who died from drinking too much water for a radio show competition. The contestants were given eight-ounce bottles of water to drink every 15 minutes …
Sadly, cancer is becoming more and more prevalent amongst dogs. The most common place for dogs to develop tumors is in their skin. Twenty to thirty percent of skin tumors in dogs are malignant. Skin tumors can be composed of mast cells, histiocytes, squamous cells, and melanin-pigmented cells. Boston terriers are predisposed to mast cell tumors […]
Just the other day my boyfriend gave me the best massage ever! I mean it was absolutely amazing – lotion, candles, the whole nine yards! We started to wonder if our Boston Terrier, Lucy, ever gets sore, and needs a massage too. Which got me thinking … Lucy is a very active little lady, and […]

Where Are The Anal Glands? Your Boston Terrier’s anal glands are two small glands (or sacs) that are located on either side of his anus. Purpose Of The Anal Glands This is going to sound weird — but the purpose of the anal glands is for pheromone secretion to the outside of the stool. When […]

What Is A Detached Retina? The retina is a layer of tissue that lines the inside of the back wall of the eye. When light passes through the eye, and strikes the retina, special cells within the tissue convert light energy into nerve impulses. The nerve impulses are then transmitted to the brain via the […]

The scientific name for this disease is hyperadrenocorticism, and it usually effects older dogs. Cushing’s disease is brought about due to too many hormones, such as corticosteroids. The Difference Between Cushing’s Disease And Old Age Cushing’s disease is usually characterized by an increase in appetite, drinking, and urination, excessive shedding, and panting. It may be […]
A lot of people never even think about this … until it happens to their dog. Chewing gum that contains artificial sweetener can be toxic to dogs. So don’t let your Boston Terrier get a hold of it! The toxic ingredient is called Xylitol. It’s still being determined how much the dog would need to […]

Boston Terrier Puppies should be vaccinated against canine distemper when they are about four months of age. Distemper is mostly a risk for stray dogs and dogs that are not up-to-date on their immunizations. How Is Distemper Spread? Canine distemper spreads similarly to the way the common cold is spread. If a dog that’s infected […]

Boston Terriers have short muzzles, which is the root of their snoring. Their short muzzles cause their breathing to be obstructed; which results in snoring! Loud snoring!! I happen to find it endearing when my Boston Terrier snores, but a lot of find this habit very frustrating, so you should definitely take this characteristic into […]

Every now and then dogs suffer from constipation. It’s not that common for most dogs, but on the rare occasion that it does occur, it’s no fun for them! Constipation is usually a result of poor nutrition and lack of exercise and it sometimes can be a result of psychological stress. If the constipation only […]

This past weekend I had a little scare. I got home from work to discover that my boyfriend wanted to surprise me with a “World’s Finest Chocolate” candy bar; but my Boston Terrier, Lucy, beat me to it! While he was in the living room watching television, Lucy was on my bed feasting on milk […]

Usually puppies are more prone to hookworms than adult dogs. Hookworms can be fatal to puppies since their immune system isn’t fully developed; but it’s not as serious in older dogs. It tends to cure quickly. What Hookworms Look Like They are typically invisible to the unaided human eye. They’re about ½ an inch long […]

Suspect your Boston Terrier has skin allergies? If he’s itchy, smelly, flaky, or constantly trying to scratch or bite at his fur, you have a problem. These symptoms are signs that something in your dog’s system is out of balance. When your dog’s immune system is under a lot of stress, your Boston may develop […]