Training your Boston Terrier to ring a bell is a very handy trick for you and your dog to learn … and it’s very useful for potty training too! If your dog learns to associate ringing a bell with going outside to go to the bathroom, this is a huge help! No more trying to […]

Wondering how to teach your Boston Terrier to dance? It’s a great exercise for your dog and it’ll be sure to get some laughs from your guests. It’s really not a hard trick for your dog to learn either. Here are some dancing lessons that are nice and easy to follow! Lucy and I’s first […]

Getting the mail (or the newspaper) is a fun trick to teach your Boston Terrierr. You should always use the same verbiage when attempting to teach your dog new tricks. So for the purpose of this trick decide on a “command” and stick with it, ex: “get the paper.” Of course your dog isn’t going […]

Teaching your Boston Terrier to “find the treasure” means that your will be teaching your dog to use one or two of her front paws to dig at the floor. It’s one of many hilarious tricks that will impress your friends! Just follow the steps mentioned in this tutorial and you’ll have your Boston terrier […]

If you want to train your Boston Terrier to go to bed and lay down when you tell her to just follow these simple steps: 1. Put a bed, blanket, or towel down about 6-10 feet away from you. 2. Have your dog stand beside you and say “Go to bed!” Then walk over to […]

If you own a Boston Terrier I’m sure you already know that Boston Terrier’s are the world’s best kissers! I know my Lucy is. Lucy doesn’t need to be prompted; it’s instinctual to her, as I’m sure it is with most Bostons. If you happen to have a Boston that doesn’t naturally kiss … you […]

If you’re trying to teach your Boston Terrier a few new tricks, you should definitely try this one with your pup! It’s a big crowd pleaser. Of course- it gets more of a reaction from your audience if your pup has done several other impressive tricks first. After your Boston does a series of tricks, […]

Teach your Boston Terrier to “play dead.” This trick is fun to have your dog perform when you have guests over. It always gets a laugh! 5 Steps to Teach “Play Dead” 1. Tell your dog to lay down. 2. As you roll her over to her side say “play dead” or “take a nap.” […]

Want your dog turning in circles for you? Training your Boston Terrier is great for her. Learning new tricks will enforce obedience and make your pet happy. Boston’s like to please their master’s and learning new tricks gives them this sense of accomplishment. Steps to Turn Around 1. Have your dog stand, facing you. 2. […]

This one’s pretty easy! Of course, if your dog doesn’t know the basics yet- you should start their first! 1. First have your dog sit. 2. Say something like, “Shake Hands” or “Give me paw” and take your dog’s paw. 3. Hold her paw, and say “Good girl!” 4. Let go of her paw. Remember, […]

Make sure your Boston Terrier has basic training down before proceeding. Traditionally, the way one would go about teaching their dog to roll over would be to in 2 Steps. Many people try, unsuccessfully, to first teach the dog “down” and then physically roll them over or lure them with a treat. However, this approach […]

This trick should only be taught once you have basic training down. Your dog needs to know the basics in order to learn advanced tricks. One of the most important factors in training your dog is to reward her behavior right away! Determine if your dog responds better to food or “praise.” My dog likes […]