The Fundamentals of Training Your Puppy

by Colleen Fernandez

in Basic Training

fundamentalsBoston Terrier’s are extremely active and strong willed.

Sometimes, they can be quite a handful. So the more you can learn about training a Boston Terrier- the better!

You should also understand Boston Terrier behavior, as this will give you a better insight on which training methods you should use.

Effective training and socialization is important in many areas of your dog’s life, from helping with obedience to helping him to get along with other people and animals, and even keeping him safe (for instance, if he should slip the leash whilst you are out walking him).

There are some excellent resources available today that make training your pet a piece of cake!

There are no real hard and fast rules when it comes to how to train Boston Terriers – other than to exercise patience and be positive.

Bostons do not respond well to harsh training methods, and are very sensitive creatures, and this is something that you should always bear in mind.



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