A new study on the safety of secondhand smoke shows that nearly 30% of pet owners live with at least one smoker—which is really high considering how dangerous exposure to secondhand smoke is.
Many studies show that animals face health risks when exposed to the toxins in secondhand smoke. Dogs can develop respiratory problems, allergies, and nasal and lung cancer.
Dr. Sharon Gwaltney-Brant, medical director of the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center said:
“Nicotine from secondhand smoke can have effects to the nervous systems of cats and dogs. Environmental tobacco smoke has been shown to contain numerous cancer-causing compounds, making it hazardous for animals as well as humans.”
So, if you want to protect your dog, cat, or any other pet, you should “take it outside” when you smoke.
Third Hand Smoke
Pretty much everyone has heard about secondhand smoke, and how harmful it is. But many people don’t know what third-hand smoke is; and in a recent study from Harvard Medical School, researchers discovered there are health risks associated with the toxic brew of gases and particles that cling to a smokers’ hair, clothes, cars, and carpeting. Unfortunately, it lingers for much longer than secondhand smoke does. The 2009 Harvard study established that kids are exceptionally vulnerable to this toxic residue, along with your pup.
If you’re a smoker, your pet is not only breathing smoke-filled air, but she is also lying directly on the carpet and furniture — and on your lap — and picking up anything clinging to it. When she grooms herself, she ingests whatever toxic particles are present.
Your dog is trapped, a victims of your unhealthy habit. So think twice before you light up inside. And always make sure you don’t subject your pup to filthy, secondhand smoke.
Adapted from http://healthypets.mercola.com/