Suspect your Boston Terrier has skin allergies?
If he’s itchy, smelly, flaky, or constantly trying to scratch or bite at his fur, you have a problem. These symptoms are signs that something in your dog’s system is out of balance.
When your dog’s immune system is under a lot of stress, your Boston may develop skin problems such as hot spots, rashes, yeast overgrowth, and bacterial infections.
Typically your vet will prescribe antihistamines, antibiotics, or steroids to treat your dog’s symptoms. However, these types of medicines modify and suppress your dog’s immune system− which is not always the best idea. Your goal should be to get your pet’s immune system functioning properly, without suppressing it.
With proper nutrition, bathing, and exercise, you should be able to restore your Boston Terrier’s balance … leaving prescription drugs out of the equation.
Skin Allergies
Staphylococcus bacteria is often to blame for skin infections and hot spots. These skin conditions are usually harmless; however, they are signals that something is out of balance.
For example, if your Boston is not getting enough immunoglobin IgA, which helps protect the skin− he may develop a skin irritation.
IgA deficiency is usually caused due to an over-utilization of IgA in the gut, which is a result of poor balance in your Boston Terrier’s gastrointestinal tract. When the GI tract is out of balance, it uses all the IgA, leaving your dog’s skin with a deficiency.
Medications and antibiotics decrease gastrointestinal permeability, which also leads to imbalances in your dog’s gut. If your dog is taking any medications, you should give him beneficial bacteria to boost his GI defenses.
Is Yeast Overgrowth Harming Your Pet?
If your Boston Terrier smells like corn chips, he may be suffering from yeast overgrowth. When your dog’s balance is out of whack, yeast multiplies and causes skin and ear problems.
Dogs usually experience intense itching in certain areas, since the yeast usually grows in patches. Yeast also causes a creamy, white substance to appear between the toes, ears, and sometimes over the entire body.
If your Boston Terrier is suffering from an overgrowth of yeast− his immune system is most likely under attack. This is an indication that your dog needs a probiotic. You can get NaturVet Enzymes 8oz from 1800 Pet Meds at a discount.
Also, be sure to take a look at your dog’s diet. If you suspect yeast overgrowth, you should cut carbohydrates from your dog’s diet (eliminate corn, wheat, rice, and soy). If you reduce his carb intake, you’re also eliminating the yeast’s “fuel.”
Keep The Infected Area Clean
If your Boston Terrier does have a skin allergy, scab, or infection, you should always keep it clean! His skin will heal faster if the infected area is kept clean.
Pets with Allergies Need Baths!
Despite everything you’ve heard about potentially over washing your dog, the truth is that animals that are prone to skin allergies need to be bathed frequently.
If your Boston is stinky, greasy, or dirty he needs a bath! It may even help a dog with irritated skin, to rinse them daily.
Choosing The Right Dog Shampoo
When you’re shopping for a dog shampoo, you should focus on the ingredients. Try not to get anything toxic!
Surprisingly, oatmeal shampoos are not good for dog’s with allergies either. Oatmeal shampoo is a grain-based shampoo … it may provide a carbohydrate food source for unwanted yeast and bacteria.
Never use human shampoo on your Boston Terrier! If you’re worried about how your dog will react to a certain shampoo, test it in a small area first.
Stay Strong! With hard work and following the advice listed above, you should be able to restore balance to your pup’s life in no time.
If you have any tips on how you’ve dealt with your Boston Terrier’s skin allergies, leave a comment below!