Boston Terrier Dental Care

by Colleen Fernandez

in Health Problems

Boston Terrier’s suffer from many of the same dental problems that people do including: gum disease, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and tooth fractures.

Although Boston Terriers usually don’t get cavities, they are susceptible to dental problems. Unfortunately, sometimes a Boston Terrier’s teeth can loosen in their sockets; this opens the opportunity for infection.

This infection can travel through the bloodstream and cause kidney and heart disease. Antibiotics can suppress the infection, but only tartar removal can prevent recurrence.

Another major problem that Boston Terrier’s face in regards to their dental health is tooth fracture. Boston’s can break their teeth by simply crunching down on bones, rocks, or other tough substances.

Here’s What You’ll Need To Protect Your Pup’s Teeth

1. Canine toothbrush, child’s soft toothbrush, or a fingerbrush
2. Canine toothpaste (comes in several delicious flavors for your pup!)

The Best Dental Program Begins With a Good Diet

Dry food can help remove the bacterial plaque that hardens and turns into tartar. The abrasiveness of it is also a good source of chewing exercise and stimulation.

Remember, as cute as your Boston is, you should not feed her sweets and table scraps. These foods can increase plaque and tartar formation.

If your Boston is prone to dental problems you may even want to talk to your veterinarian about starting her on a special dry food designed to reduce plaque and tartar.

Note: Tartar buildup can be reduced by modifications in diet, but that doesn’t mean regular brushing is not required!

Brush Those Teethies!

This is easy! It may even be easier than brushing your own teeth. Your Boston’s teeth are narrow and more widely spaced, so there’s no need to floss.

Obviously your Boston cannot rinse or spit out toothpaste so make sure you use one that’s especially designed for dogs. Human toothpastes can irritate your Boston’s stomach and fluoride can cause mottling of the tooth enamel.

Step 1
Select a good time. Make sure your dog is relaxed and perhaps even a little drowsy.

Step 2
Gently stroke the outside of your Boston’s cheeks with the tip of your finger. Once your Boston Terrier is comfortable with that, place a little doggie toothpaste on your fingertip and let her lick it off. Repeat this process several times.

Step 3
Be patient. It could take several weeks for your Boston to become comfortable with Steps 1 and 2. Do not move on until she is comfortable. You do not want this to be a traumatic experience for her.

Step 4
Gently rub several teeth with your fingers and a small dab of toothpaste. Gradually increase the number of teeth brushed, with time. Remember, it’s important that you brush the back teeth where plaque and tartar have an increased tendency to accumulate.

Step 5
It’s almost a guarantee that your Boston will get fussy during this procedure. If she does, back up, and gently stroke the outside of her cheeks again with the tip of your finger. Repeat, until your pup is once again comfortable with you manipulating her mouth area.

Step 6
Introduce a small dab of toothpaste on a toothbrush to your pup. Brush gently, in a circular motion to the front of her teeth. Praise her throughout this process and stroke her neck. Speak in soft, soothing tones. When the time is right, pull her lips and cheek back to gain access to her back teeth.

Surprisingly, Boston Terriers do not accumulate much tartar on the inside of their teeth, so it’s important to worry only about the outside surfaces and back teeth. These are the most important areas.

MOST IMPORTANT- Try to make this time between you and your Boston as pleasurable as possible! You don’t want her to have anxiety over a simple tooth brushing!

Most veterinarians will recommend you brush your Boston’s teeth at least twice a week; however, you should check with them at your next appointment. Pups with stubborn dental problems may need more frequent dental care.

Taking the time to take care of your dog’s dental hygiene now will assure good dental health and may prevent more serious medical problems as they age.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Many people also make appointments for their dogs to have professional cleanings. Consult with your veterinarian to determine frequency for your dog. The average is every one to three years.

Professional dental care is performed under general anesthesia. It will consist of scaling (to remove tartar above and below the gum line); polishing (to smooth the surface of your Boston’s teeth); and flushing (to dislodge both tartar and bacteria).

The typical cost of a professional veterinarian’s dental care for your Boston Terrier is between $70 and $350.

Boston Terrier Getting His Teethies Cleaned:



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