First off, hope you all had a wonderful Hanukah/Christmas Holiday! Today, I’m going to look back on 2009 at BostonTerrierSecrets.com. Starting the website was definitely a huge accomplishment for me this year. It took a lot of time, research, and money to get the site up and running. And while I’m happy with what I’ve […]

Last weekend I took my Boston terrier, Lucy, to the dog park. Fun? Yes. A lot of work? Definitely. Lucy loves the dog park, and she always, always has a great time there. But she also always seems to get herself into trouble. Lucy’s the dog that ignites all the other dogs at the dog […]

A recent visitor to Boston Terrier Secrets, Kyla Duffy, told me about her website- http://happytailsbooks.com. It’s a really sensational website, so today I’m going to tell you all a little more about it! Happy Tails Books is a non-profit organization that collects rescue stories from people who have inspiring stories about dog rescue or adoption. […]

When your dog begs for food it’s usually harmless. But it’s also extremely off-putting … Who wants to eat a delicious meal, with their dog sitting right next to them drooling, wishing that today is the day you’ll accidentally drop a piece of your food.

You may have learned to live with having your Boston terrier jump all over you—morning, noon, and night … but I can’t guarantee your non-dog owning friends will be as understanding. To solve this problem you first need to understand why your Boston terrier is jumping on people in the first place. Your Boston Is […]