Where Are The Anal Glands? Your Boston Terrier’s anal glands are two small glands (or sacs) that are located on either side of his anus. Purpose Of The Anal Glands This is going to sound weird — but the purpose of the anal glands is for pheromone secretion to the outside of the stool. When […]

It’s extremely important for you to check the label of your dog’s food … it will help separate the good from the bad. Check the guaranteed analysis of your dog’s food … this includes the amounts of protein, fat, carbs, fiber, and other nutrients. If your dog’s food contains preservatives, the manufacturer will have to […]

Over 90% of pets in America are indoor pets! So it’s pretty important that you get the whole “potty-training” thing down quickly. Using puppy pads is a very effective method for training your Boston Terrier. The more involved you are with potty training process, the faster it will come for your dog. House Rules 1. […]

Halloween is right around the corner folks. Have you thought about putting your pup in a costume? Need Halloween costume ideas? Halloween is a fun holiday for you and your pet, as long as you do a little planning and preparation! Some dogs look totally humiliated (cute as can be!) when they’re dressed up …and […]

Have you ever come home from a long day at work to discover that your Boston Terrier has eaten your brand new shoes! I have … and let me tell you how frustrating it is! Your dog is just sitting there, looking all cute, and it’s hard to stay mad for more than about 3.5 […]

What Is A Detached Retina? The retina is a layer of tissue that lines the inside of the back wall of the eye. When light passes through the eye, and strikes the retina, special cells within the tissue convert light energy into nerve impulses. The nerve impulses are then transmitted to the brain via the […]

The scientific name for this disease is hyperadrenocorticism, and it usually effects older dogs. Cushing’s disease is brought about due to too many hormones, such as corticosteroids. The Difference Between Cushing’s Disease And Old Age Cushing’s disease is usually characterized by an increase in appetite, drinking, and urination, excessive shedding, and panting. It may be […]
A lot of people never even think about this … until it happens to their dog. Chewing gum that contains artificial sweetener can be toxic to dogs. So don’t let your Boston Terrier get a hold of it! The toxic ingredient is called Xylitol. It’s still being determined how much the dog would need to […]

Boston Terrier Puppies should be vaccinated against canine distemper when they are about four months of age. Distemper is mostly a risk for stray dogs and dogs that are not up-to-date on their immunizations. How Is Distemper Spread? Canine distemper spreads similarly to the way the common cold is spread. If a dog that’s infected […]

It’s essential for Boston Terrier parents like you to know certain basic factors that determine your relationship with your Boston Terrier and can go a long way in training him effectively. Before you begin training your Boston Terrier, it is absolutely essential that you build a loving bond with him. This is important as it […]

Dogs lick for a lot of different reasons! Dogs use licking to show emotion or communicate. It’s their way of showing respect, affection, and submission. Dogs aren’t afraid to lick anything. They lick other dogs, humans, toys, grass, walls, carpet, rocks, and even dirt! Some dog’s even lick their own poop (gross)!

Dog parks seem to be a somewhat controversial subject for a lot of dog owners. Some people think dog parks are best things since sliced bread, while others thing they are dangerous and traumatizing places for dogs. Your local dog park is a great place for you and your dog to get exercise and have […]

If you have a Boston Terrier, you know that sometimes they can be more like “Boston Terrors.” Boston’s like to chew! To me it seems like they especially like to chew things that are really important, like a great pair of shoes that you haven’t worn yet! When Boston Terrier puppies are teething, they are […]

Getting the mail (or the newspaper) is a fun trick to teach your Boston Terrierr. You should always use the same verbiage when attempting to teach your dog new tricks. So for the purpose of this trick decide on a “command” and stick with it, ex: “get the paper.” Of course your dog isn’t going […]

Boston Terriers have short muzzles, which is the root of their snoring. Their short muzzles cause their breathing to be obstructed; which results in snoring! Loud snoring!! I happen to find it endearing when my Boston Terrier snores, but a lot of find this habit very frustrating, so you should definitely take this characteristic into […]

If your Boston Terrier puppy has a problem with biting or nipping, there’s no need to freak out just yet. You can help prevent this behavior by giving your dog plenty of exercise, socialization training, and basic training skills. When you do correct your dog, you should never use physical correction (like spanking or holding […]

Every now and then dogs suffer from constipation. It’s not that common for most dogs, but on the rare occasion that it does occur, it’s no fun for them! Constipation is usually a result of poor nutrition and lack of exercise and it sometimes can be a result of psychological stress. If the constipation only […]

Dogs need about 30 minutes of exercise every day. And taking your Boston Terrier for a walk doesn’t always cut it. Bostons are very high energy dogs and need lots of “play time.” You’ll notice a real improvement in your dog’s behavior and attitude when he/she is properly exercised. If you need ideas on things […]

This past weekend I had a little scare. I got home from work to discover that my boyfriend wanted to surprise me with a “World’s Finest Chocolate” candy bar; but my Boston Terrier, Lucy, beat me to it! While he was in the living room watching television, Lucy was on my bed feasting on milk […]

Usually puppies are more prone to hookworms than adult dogs. Hookworms can be fatal to puppies since their immune system isn’t fully developed; but it’s not as serious in older dogs. It tends to cure quickly. What Hookworms Look Like They are typically invisible to the unaided human eye. They’re about ½ an inch long […]